Eight Point Two

Bridge 2 Aid Yorkshire 3 Peaks
April 10, 2012, 2:23 pm
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Its been an unusual few weeks – one minute basking in the sun and the next shivering in the blizzards which we had here in Sheffield last Wednesday! Luckily we didnt have any events which were effected by the bad weather (apart from the sunny stuff…).

Last weekend we ran a Yorkshire Three Peaks event for Bridge 2 Aid. We had 34 walkers take part in the challenge out of which the majority made it round in under 12 hours! Well done to all those taking part and raising money for the charity. 

Its now a quite few weeks for us before the mayhem of May! We have 6 races, 2 abseils and a National 3 Peaks so we hope all of you challengers out there are preparing for your events!! Its going to be an active month.