Eight Point Two

Whole Hog Posters
March 29, 2010, 10:01 am
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 HI All!

There is a poster available in both A4 and A5 for the upcoming Whole Hog events. If you are interested in getting one ‘personalised’ then let Carrie know at carrie@eightpointtwo.co.uk.


Manchester United FC
March 29, 2010, 9:52 am
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This last weekend was the 1st of the years BIG events. Manchester United FC was kind enough to host an abseil on behalf of Francis House, Cystic Fibrosis Trust and the New Childrens Hospital Appeal. We had 2 very busy days which went very smoothly. Thanks to all invovled, especially the Manchester United Foundation who facilitate these type of events on a regular basis.

Manchester Velodrome
March 10, 2010, 10:36 am
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We had our first open abseil at the weekend at the Manchester Velodrome. The site makes a great charity abseil venue, its warm, its high and its quite scarey! It was a great day and was well represented with brave soles abseiling on behalf of the Sea Shells Trust, CF Trust, Kids Can, Christies and MGA. Well done to all those that took part!

For more charity abseil open events take a look at www.eightpointtwo.co.uk and follow the links to our open events. Eight Point Two hold open abseils in venues around the UK.

By the way – pictures for the weekend are available at www.fotoevents.biz

February Abseils
March 1, 2010, 12:08 pm
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Having  just had the coldest Winter in 30 years (and its still cold) running charity abseil events has been a bit of an exercise in keeping warm! However, we have managed to keep warm and have run 3 succesful abseil events for the charities which we work with.

First up was the Government of London staff raising money for Haiti at River Walk House, London. Then, the following day we ran an abseil, again at RiverWalk House, for Clic Sargent . It was a cold day but, as always, Riverwalk House has some amazing views over London!

Finally, just this last weekend we ran an abseil for Christian Aid at the Mersey Vent. Again, another cold abseil but the day went smoothly and some valuable money was raised for the charities involved.

Hopefully things are going to start warming up soon and we can enjoy a great Spring and Summer??!